21st Century Energy Macro
Two – Way commentary on trends, outlook, across the energy landscape – including policy, subsidies, oil & gas, renewables, efficiency, water, and climate. I strongly believe that Creativity is Associative – connecting superficially unrelated events and trends can often lead to investment and other insights. I read almost everything I can, and remember a lot of it! In this way, perhaps I can add value to your interests and objectives.
Energy & Chemical Advisory to Investors
Many investors – individual and small institutional – do not need or afford full time industry specialists/experts. Sea View can offer a network of experts who can provide objective analysis to improve your investment-related decisions where energy and chemical industry factors are important to the analytical process.
Energy & Chemical Advisory to Entrepreneurs/Industry
We offer both the perspective of experience across nearly forty years of cycles (History does not always repeat itself, but it Rhymes) – often useful in both investment and strategic analysis. Our network crosses numerous industry (and geographical) borders, which can be of value in search of customers, suppliers, and partners.
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