
Japanese Solar – Stunning Growth, Lousy Economics

Fukushima Tragedy Drives Expensive Renewables Policy Under a new incentive program since mid last year, Japanese solar installations are poised to triple from 2012 to 7 GW.    This is well ahead of estimates of  “only a double” as recently as summer The average Japanese electricity tariff (2013) is around $0.30/kwh, trailing only a few

Oil Markets – Bigger Not Necessarily Better!

Kazakhstan’s Kashagan – “…the downside of Elephant Fields” “In the beginning” (discovered in 2000), Kashagan was the most prolific oil discovery since the North Sea/Alaska fields of the late 1960s.  However, as we suspect from the arduous journey to startup – high sulfur, land locked, frontier, with rudderless leadership and a corrupt resource host

Ethanol Mandate – No Surprise

EPA & the Biofuels Back Track The (mostly corn-based ethanol) biofuel  industry is, understandably, quite disappointed in the confirmation of earlier rumors that the renewable fuel mandate would be scaled back in 2014-5.  The revised proposal trims roughly 10% from the ‘first generation’ volume, roughly in line with lower US gasoline consumption since enactment of

Renewables Vs Gas – August 2013

What’s Bigger?  Gas or Renewables – Fired Power? The International Energy Agency (IEA), traditionally the most conservative and hydrocarbon-based energy forecaster, now believes that, by 2018, power generation (not capacity!)  from renewables will exceed total that of natural gas and twice the size of nuclear power.  (,39156,en.html) –  accounting for a quarter of global generation.

US Natural Gas – August 2013

New Solutions for US Stranded Gas? There is increasing entrepreneurial effort to monetize stranded/low value gas in North America’s oil/liquids-based basins, as well as highly mature gas wells.  A range of startups, including ‘micro-refineries,’ mini-LNG, low cost micro-turbines, and lower cost compression (with higher liquids capability) are all aiming at the same opportunity.   A major

Small Hydro – August 2013

Investment Opportunity for Small Hydro?? Of course, the IEAs definition of renewables includes hydro, which accounts for about 80% of the 2018 forecast.  This is all the more impressive given hydropower’s stall in developed markets, largely due to environmental pressures.  However, a recent proposal by the Obama administration may bring new projects to the US

Biofuels February 2012

Biofuels – Another (not unexpected) Commercialization Disappointment Last week, Amyris, one of the most favored synthetic biology/biofuels entries, substantially cut its production forecast for 2012. The company has commenced operation in a ‘commercial scale’ facility but has been unable to improve product yield and quality of high value specialty chemicals. In general, the sector players

Cleantech – State of the Industry – January 2012

Solar Economics Continue to Improve Lastly, a couple comments on ‘old fashioned renewables,’ i.e. solar and wind.   Global solar installations rose about 10% in 2011, although module revenues probably fell over 10% (and inventories exploded in 2H ’11!).  Italy surpassed Germany as the single largest market, despite dramatic cuts in both subsidies although, without subsidies

Frack Awareness Week – Who’s Funding the Opposition? – January 2012

  The answer might surprise you.  An enterprising research analyst has determined, from grass roots work, that significant funding behind the anti-fracking movement comes from the Middle East – Saudi, UAE, and Qatari funds.  Apparently, the prospect of significant oil and gas production has caught the interest of the world’s largest producers of each hydrocarbon. 

The Internal Combustion Engine – December 2011

Not dead yet….   Cheap natural gas is not the only headwind for the renewables uber alles perspective/trend.  The roadmap to improved efficiency seems clear, and long-lived, both for gasoline and diesel fuels.    While automakers only seem (generally) to develop more fuel efficient vehicles under the greatest duress (i.e. mandates), there is plenty of opportunity,